I + D + i

I + D + i
R&D+I. The MTL Group is aware of the need for specialization in the application of cleaning and disinfection procedures in the food industry. Food hygiene is linked to many parameters and processes, from the design of the facilities where the production activity takes place, to the management of the waste generated, to the good practices of the handlers, so treating the hygiene activities in isolation would be a mistake.
Likewise, the knowledge acquired by MTL Group in the whole process of optimization, technification and improvement of the processes and methodologies of applied food hygiene, allows us to offer very specialized assistance, in different aspects and problems, to our clients. These collaborations can range from carrying out a diagnosis of the state of the hygiene system to find out its strengths and weaknesses and drawing up a plan to improve it, the study and research for the detection of pathogens nested in a facility and the preparation of the corresponding action plan for their elimination and prevention, the review of the allergen management plan for its optimization, the redesign of environmental control plans for the control of pathogens or the reengineering of facilities and work processes to reduce the food risks associated with these aspects, among others.
In this context, MTL Group has developed a department of continuous improvement and innovation that aims to give permanent support to all the activities of the group related to food hygiene and through which this is achieved:

Continuous technological updating in all aspects related to food hygiene and its practical transmission.

The technological upgrading of the cleaning and disinfection equipment that provides service to customers through internal training and the introduction of new developments identified.

Development of our own new solutions based on the needs detected through our sanitation equipment.

Monitoring of changes in legislation and food safety standards (BRC, IFS, etc.) which may affect, directly or indirectly, the various services provided to customers.